
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

M.Sc. Speech-Language Pathology to be offered at Mona

Members of the Linguistics Section of the Department of Language, Linguistics & Philosophy formed a steering committee for the Master’s in Speech-Language Pathology with members of the Faculty of Medical Sciences and practicing Speech-Language Pathologists. Supported by the Campus Coordinator for Graduate Studies and the Campus Principal, the committee designed and obtained approval for the Master’s in Speech-Language Pathology, largely based on a programme previously approved and currently offered at the UWI’s St.Augustine campus. Budgetary approval was given for the appointment of a Programme Director per January 2015 and a full-time Lecturer per August 2015, as well as part-time Associate Lecturers who will be needed for aspects of the teaching and clinical supervision required for the programme. The Programme Director will be charged with the establishment of a Speech-Language Pathology Clinic at UHWI, which will constitute an environment in which students in the programme receive clinical exposure, while at the same time providing much needed services to patients with communicative disorders. The programme will accept its first batch of qualifying students in August 2015, while the two-year Master’s programme will commence in August 2016.  The cost of the M.Sc programme is 1.8m per year for two years, while the cost of the qualifying year is the cost of normal full-time registration.

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